Thursday, September 24, 2009

When in doubt, label it!

Many organizing freaks, professional or not, have a love affair with their label maker. In one of the books I read, How to Start a Home-Based Professional Organizing Business, the author mentions her label maker at least a dozen times. And I've owned one for quite a few years now, long before labeling things would become part of my profession. That's because they are beyond useful -- they help you categorize items and keep an organizing system going.

I've used mine to indicate where things go on shelves and on the outside of bins, for labeling school projects, for craft projects like making our own word magnets (like the Magnetic Poetry sets you see in stores), and even labeled a bathroom light switch that had four options, so that guests wouldn't mistakenly turn on the fan or the "night light" instead. And once I even tried labeling our you can imagine, this was not appreciated by the cat even if the label said, "cute!"

My label maker of choice currently is the Dymo LetraTag because it's small and easy to handle. It has several basic font choices and the label tape is fairly inexpensive (and there are many choices of colors and finishes for the tape). That said, I will be upgrading to one with a QWERTY keyboard and more font choices very soon! When I do, I'll share my new obsession with you all :)

Happy Labeling!


  1. You have a label maker of choice? :)

  2. some people obsess over their iPhones; some of us have obsessions with label makers :)
