Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pantry Update -- Change is a Good Thing

About two months ago I decided to tackle our pantry area and get it back under control. I'm happy to report that this project was a success -- and was completed several weeks ago I'm just being lazy with the blog post ;-)

What I'm most excited about is the "extra" space we now have. We owned an extra set of black wire shelves that had been sitting outside collecting dust and a few BBQ odds and ends. By bringing these shelves inside we doubled our pantry space, without spending money (I love free projects!). That means there's now space for when I go on crazy Costco runs and stock up! No more re-organizing the pantry every time I shop -- which usually meant not re-organizing at all, but rather piling things haphazardly and setting things on the floor until there was room.

I've read a number of books on organizing and one of the key take-aways from most -- plan for future use and be ready and willing to adapt your area/system if you need to. If you only set up your system for now and are unwilling to change it, then as life unfolds and you acquire more things, the whole system falls apart! And then if you're like me, you blame yourself for the system failing. It's not your fault you couldn't forsee everything. Just be willing to adapt your system and you'll be fine.
For months I was in denial that I needed more space in the pantry. No, no, I can make do with what we have - I just need to organize it better. I finally came to my senses and am very happy with the results! And now to get a better system for the BBQ tools outside...
Happy organizing,