Thursday, July 23, 2009

Quick Tip for Closets

I am currently reading an informative book on starting my own Professional Organizing business by Dawn Noble, aptly titled, "How to Start a Home-Based Professional Organizing Business." In it she not only shares tips and insights for running a business, but also shares some of her organizing ideas and solutions.

One tip that really stood out for me is a simple solution for your closet and the clutter of empty hangers. Keep a basket in your closet and each time you take something off of the hanger, put the hanger in the basket. Then, when it comes time to do laundry, take the basket to the laundry room/area and immediately hang clothes up as they come out of the dryer or have been ironed. That way you keep the empty hangers out of the way and it's easier to carry your freshly cleaned and ironed clothes back to the closet.

Happy De-Cluttering!

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