Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First adventure in blogging

Hello, and welcome to my first blog post on my very first blog!

Several friends have been encouraging me to start a blog for months I finally did it. Thought this might be a good place to capture my thoughts during my adventure towards becoming a Professional Organizer (hence the name, Adventures in Organizing). Yes, that's right - faced with more weeks of unemployment than I care to count or share, it's time to take my fate into my own hands and be self-employed! I'm very excited and hope you will join me as I write about nifty organizing techniques and products I've found, "ah-ha" moments I have while learning this business and how to run my own business, and general rants and raves about efficiencies (possibly more rants than raves, we shall see!).

In true blog fashion, I will link to other blogs that offer great insights in the areas of organizing and efficiency - or even just general tips on living a better, more balanced life. Big thanks to my friend Aleta for the ongoing encouragement to start this blog - she has a great blog herself, on using social media in your marketing strategies, so if this is your cup of tea, check it out: Conversations Web 2.0 Style

Stay tuned for my many adventures ahead, including the "formal" launch of my business. And speaking of, I've found a great online resource for women starting or running their own businesses - Ladies Who Launch. They just did a profile on Angie Hicks, the brains behind Angie's List. BTW, still playing with names for my business and open to suggestions...

Thanks for reading!
Efficiency Diva and Soon-To-Be Professional Organizer


  1. Hey Amy, it's great to see you unleashing your tightly organized brain and insights (and personality) online in a more formal setting. You are more than qualified as a pro organizer (not just for things, but lifestyles, events, etc.) and also have a strong but not overbearing social consciousness. I've subscribed and look forward to more from you.
