Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Corralling loose tea

My husband and I have recently developed a love of loose tea. We've always been tea drinkers to some extent, but we've really enjoyed thinking"outside the tea bag" and exploring the different varieties available. Switching to loose tea over bagged tea has cut down on tea-related trash at our house too (the bags and their wrappers can add up!) but presented us with a new challenge. How do we store this beautiful and delicious tea so we can easily use it?

Well, we've stumbled across a great solution that's working so far. We purchased clear-lidded, magnetic containers at IKEA usually meant for spices and such. You can purchase metal strips to put on your walls and then stick these containers to the strips (they also make larger magnetic bins you can put utensils and other items in). This is a great way to store things within sight and reach without taking up valuable counter space!

Instead of using the magnetic strips, you can use other metal objects such as a range hood or refrigerator, which is what we're doing. Now we have our 6 favorite teas within quick and easy reach right above the stove. I even used our label maker to indicate which is which. Check it out!

And now to enjoy a hot cuppa...


  1. We use these clear lidded containers for our spices and have them on the side of the fridge. I put the labels on the bottom so that the pretty herbs showed through - though that means you have to grab & look before adding to your culinary masterpiece.

  2. Do these containers screw closed, or do you just press together to close? Could you hang them upside down? I am looking for something like this to use as a letterbox. :) But it ought to have a very secure closure.

  3. Do these containers screw closed, or do you press the lid down to close? I am looking for similar magnetic containers, but they need a very secure closure.

  4. Sadly the lids do not screw on very tight - more of a pop-on/pop-off situation. So far no spills with the loose tea...
