Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm ba-ack...with a fun design tip

First I must apologize for my lack of posting...perhaps I assume too much that in the whirlwind world of the world wide web my absence was noticed! Regardless, *I* have noticed my lack of posting and it's been bugging me. Time to get back on track and start posting at least once each week, as it helps me focus on things other than homework and housework. That is my new goal - and feel free to "nudge" me if needed :)

And now for my design tip. I have recently started training with a professional real estate stager to learn more about this subsection of the interior design field. What I thought was all throw pillows and flowers is actually much more involved and interesting! I've learned lots of cool little tips that you can use in your own home regardless of needing to "stage" it to sell.

The one I'd like to share today relates to hanging art on the walls. I had no idea what a difference a few inches can make. Most of us (me included!) hang our art WAY too high on the wall. A good rule of thumb: hang a piece of art only 2-3 inches above a piece of furniture. If it's in a hallway, make sure it's at eye level for the average person at 5'4" tall. By bringing the art piece down, it makes it feel more grounded and makes it easier to be admired by you and your visitors.



Here is an example from my own home. We hung this beautiful picture a photographer friend gave us over our fireplace...but after my first staging, I removed it from the hook and just leaned it on top of the mantel. It makes a small but significant difference! The picture now feels like part of the mantel "grouping" and not like something just floating on the wall. I hope you agree that it looks better :) And I encourage you to walk around your home and find places where minor adjustments can have a big impact on how cozy and planned your space feels.

Thanks for reading,


  1. good to see you back.
    who would have thought that lowering the pic a small amount would make such a difference...

  2. Wow. I never even noticed the picture before. (Sorry)

    It looks awesome just sitting on the mantel. It brings more attention to the fireplace.
